Analytics of the Russian IT market by ITResearch

27 may 2019

Selection of articles: monitors, UPS, projectors, document scanners, photographic paper, LED modular screens


The Russian monitor market skyrocketed in April 2019

According to ITResearch analytical company, 256,000 units were sold on the Russian monitor market in April 2019 amounting to nearly $40 million. The weighted average cost per monitor was roughly $155. After a rather dull March, with a close to zero dynamics, the market showed a significant increase. Total sales increased by 17% in annual terms.

The Russian UPS market plummets in the 1st quarter of 2019

According to ITResearch, the analytical company, 214,000 UPS amounting to $54 million were sold on the Russian market in the first quarter of 2019. In annual terms, the market showed a substantial decline of 24.4% in units and16.7% in finance. The difference in dynamics between financial and unit indicators suggests that the mass market felt much worse than the infrastructure market. This trend is in line with analysts' forecast, who believed that high sales at the end of last year due to negative expectations from the increase in VAT would interfere with the new sales early 2019. 

The Russian market of projectors takes a hit early 2019

According to the preliminary data of ITResearch only 18.3 thousand projectors were sold in Russia in the first quarter of 2019, which is 1.900 less than in the first quarter of 2018. Thus, the overall market share decrease came to approximately 9.5%.

Document Scanner Market Retains Positive Dynamics

ITResearch analytical company announced sales of document scanners on the Russian market back in 2018. A total of 33.200 devices were sold in 2018, which was around 10% more than in 2017. Thus, the segment has shown positive dynamics for the second year in a row (edit. comment: net growth of 2017 market share was roughly only 7%). However, despite all of the above, the market volume still does not come up to the figure of the pre-crisis 2014.

The growth rate of the LED modular screens market is breaking records

ITResearch announced that the Russian LED modular screens (LED Modules) market showed a significant increase in 2018. The market volume is estimated at 2,200 units with a total coverage area of 50,000 m2. The number of installed screens increased by 68% last year, and their total coverage area by 52%. In monetary terms, the market volume amounted to around $70 million, which corresponded to a 46% increase.

Regional brands became more active in the photo paper market

According to ITResearch, 3 million units of paper were sold for a total amount of $19.8 million in the Russian market of photo paper for inkjet printers in 2018. If it was to be laid out the total area of the photo paper sold would make up 11.5 million m2 (11.5 sq. km). In real terms, the market grew by 7% over the year. This dynamic was slightly lower than last year figures.

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